Serving Dallas/Ft. Worth and the Florida Region

Elahi Law Firm


Shayan Elahi is a nationally known civil rights litigator & TV commentator, who brings his legal experience to bear to protect your rights. He also mediates business and family law cases, which people are trying to avoid court. His mission is to inform his clients of their legal options and help them make the correct decision about their case. He has handled 1000s of cases in as a litigator and has had his own practice since 2007. He received his B.A. from the University of Central Florida (UCF) and his J.D. from Yeshiva University – Cardozo School of Law (NYC).

Lead Attorney
Get to know our firm

Our Areas of Practice

With over 18 years of experience, we specialize in various fields of law. Our firm uses our expertise and our vast network of legal knowledge to give you the best outcome possible. 

Alternative Dispute Resolution


Our highly trained staff can  help you in Alternative Dispute Resolutions in a neutral and fair manner.  

Debt Defense

We help get creditors off your back and settle your outstanding debts with little hassle or stress.

Medical Malpractice

We have experts to evaluate your medical situation and help you collect damages from medical procedures.

Personal Injury & Car Accidents

Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. 

Business & Family Law Mediation

Family law is an area of the law that deals with family matters and domestic relations.

Business Agreements & Litigation

We practice contact law and other types of business litigation to help our clients get fair and just results.

We are the best choice in legal represenation

Elahi Law has proven results

Our staff of law experts have help countless clients like you obtain the results they needed in a proper time frame. Our record speaks for itself.

Cases Solved
Justice Given
Legal Partners
Meet the Expert Team

Experienced Lawyers

Shayan Elahi

Shayan Elahi

Lead Attorney
Stephanie Moreno

Stephanie Moreno

Law Clerk

Schedule a Free Consultation

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What is Title IX?

Title IX refers to a federal law in the United States that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. The primary purpose of Title IX is to prohibit sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities.

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What Behaviors are Considered Criteria for a Hostile Work Environment?

A hostile work environment is generally characterized by behaviors or conditions that create an intimidating, offensive, or oppressive workplace atmosphere. It’s important to note that the specific criteria for a hostile work environment can vary by jurisdiction, and legal definitions can differ.

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What is Age Discrimination in the Employment Act?

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is a federal law in the United States that prohibits employment discrimination against individuals who are 40 years of age or older.

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